Health Issue can well be defined by approaching it from Metabolism angle.

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy for daily activities. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function properly.

However, Health Issue/s happens when the above process fails or are changed as a result of pollutions, pathogen or other means. The resultant effect of the changes only triggers health problems.

Most times these health issues could be genetic in nature whereby the sufferer inherited from his or her parent. Wonder why Doctors often asked the family history before prescribing treatment

Determining the state of things,  (health Issues) diagnosing is the first step before administering treatment. The whole essence of these diagnosing is to find out what the body needs to return back to its normal metabolism state and once determined or sorted out, it helps the patient to recover from the diseasehealth issues occurs when metabolism process is distorted

The main and remote causes of common health issues today are:

1. Unhealthy dieting,

2.  Lack of good exercise

3. Environmental degradation (Pollution),

4.  Genetics and High-stress levels

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